"Air-Bus One"
Usually elections, especially presidential ones, bring out the patriotic fervor in a candidate; usually, but not with the current Campaigner-in-Chief.
As the president’s first term nears an end, the nation watches the beginning of a new presidential campaign and Obama launches a three-state bus tour.
The potus has navigated this country to huge unemployment rates and a depressed economy. The bus he purchased with our tax dollars was made in Canada. The potus also deemed it appropriate to ensure no American flag symbols adorned the bus, instead he opted for a large black Canadian bus…appropriate for a state funeral or rock concert; fitting because the tune Obama sings has killed our economy.
Jay Leno summed it up with late night satire when he quipped, “President Obama is off on his three-state bus tour this week. I believe the three states are Confusion, Delusion and Desperation.”
During the presidential campaign for the 2008 election, candidates and pundits were often frightened of the backlash for openly questioning Barack Obama’s dubious affiliations and lackluster senatorial record. His power tools in the main stream media often cried racism or bigotry when Senator Obama received any scrutiny; whether it was on the issues or lapel-gate, pastor-gate or today’s bus-gate.
No other label, outside of a pedophile, if stuck on the accused would be as demonizing as the R (racist) label.
What about Patriotism? Are we not allowed to question a candidate’s patriotism? A person’s patriotism while endeavoring to lead this great country should be first and foremost.
If a candidate does not have love for his or her country, how can their loyalty be trusted? How can we trust a leader to have allegiance to our nation if that leader harbors resentment or worse for the nation? If a leader does not honor the nation’s symbols of freedom, such as our flag, perhaps we should not honor that leader with our votes.
Many will say, especially the supporters of Barack Obama, that such questions and implications are a distraction from the important issues of the day. All of the important issues will be adversely affected if the president is devoid of patriotism; issues such as the economy, jobs, national security, our borders, immigration, health care, national pride and a host of others.
I’m sure Canada may appreciate Obama’s bus tour, but on American soil the smooth operator drove into a ditch...the same place he drove the economy and job effort.
If a person with nefarious designs endeavors to fundamentally transform America, where is the best place to operate from? The White House will be a great place to start.
So, is there a legitimate Patriotic Card to be played here?
In 2007, during Barack Obama’s first campaign to be leader of the USA he told reporters that he removed his flag pin from his chest shortly after 9/11/2001. Not for fashion reasons…but to protest against our nation & her war effort against Islamic terrorism following the 9/11 attacks on our soil.
When the entire nation rallied together regardless of ideology and purchased American flags for their lapels, cars and homes in a sense of patriotic pride and unity, Senator Obama felt justified in getting rid of a symbol representing the USA.
"I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest"- Barack Obama, Illinois State Senator.
A respectful position for a presidential hopeful would have been to honor the flag, pledge allegiance to the flag and vow to improve our nation’s efforts where improvement may be needed, a patriotic approach to hope & change.
Also in 2007, at a campaign stop in Iowa with other presidential hopefuls,

After the election, President Obama continued this pattern of dishonoring America and her symbols.
In January 2010, Haiti was devastated with a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. The U.S. responded, as per her norm, in a manner that is unrivaled in the world. Washington flew 10,000 troops to Haiti to help with rescue & recovery efforts, repaired the main airport to facilitate additional relief efforts and poured Millions of US dollars into the region.
Petty dictators such as Hugo Chavez claimed America detonated a special weapon that caused the earthquake; others including the prime minister of Haiti didn’t like the site of the American Flag!
Haitian officials however did not mind the site of our checkbooks or our relief ships!
Barack Obama responded not with national pride and honor but agreed with Haiti and ordered the removal of our American flags from all bases of operation. The other countries that set up support bases in Haiti continued to fly their respective flags as a sign of identification and pride.
America, are you awake? Are you still turning a blind eye to Barack Obama’s blatant disrespect for our flag and country? Folks, without Patriotism a president will not drive the country in the right direction.
As Obama's bus tour concludes, the president promises to first go on vacation (again) and then unveil a job plan in September. After three years of high unemployment in America, this president may have missed the bus.
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