Michelle Obama delivers speech to NAACP on eve of their resolution
NAACP Adopts Resolution Claiming Racism in the Tea Party
On Tuesday, July 13, 2010 during the annual convention in Kansas City, the NAACP accused Tea Party activists of tolerating bigotry and approved a resolution condemning racism within the political movement.Hilary Shelton, director of the NAACP's Washington bureau said the adopted resolution "Calls on the Tea Party and all people of good will to repudiate the racist element and activities within the Tea party."
Any mention of the the New Black Panther Party violating the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Any mention of the racist assault of a black man by SEIU members and supporters of Obama?
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The NAACP taunted the Tea Party with a Twitter message (h/t gateway pundit):

Message to the NAACP: Don't Tread on Me!

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