By Tony Vega
Last month, May 2008, a well-dressed individual approached a uniformed NYPD officer standing on a corner in Fallujah, actually the officer would have been safer if he was, no, this officer was standing on a corner (solo patrol) in Brooklyn North (far from Kansas).
The dapper individual handed the police officer two flyers. The flyers are part of a campaign waged against police officers by a NYC based group. The goal is for one agitator to anger (hook) the officer while a second cretin, secreted in the shadows, films the encounter. The professional agitators are hoping to hit pay dirt and parlay the film into a paycheck. This is similar to what the Sharptons of the world do, except that these particular groups attempt to create and manipulate an incident out of thin air, rather than exploit and manipulate an incident that already occurred. This is easier than getting a real job. The hours are good, you can wake up whenever you want, heck sleep the day away if you wish. When the skell wakes up and ambles into the street, he will definitely find a hard working American in uniform, protecting the very neighborhood that schemes his downfall.
The professional agitators conduct training classes on how to engage the police and offer an array of props and causes, such as the recent Bell case, to facilitate the scam. One interesting prop is a wheelchair, where an able-bodied aggressor fakes an injury. Such antics make for great sensationalism and onlookers are horrified when the police utilize force against a wheelchair bound “victim.” Some of the antics range from engaging the police in a hostile but legal confrontation to a quick step over the line, violating the law. The infractions also range from minor violations to serious crimes, although most of the anti-police groups caution against “serious” crimes. They also caution the operatives against carrying their weapons and/or drugs to the scene of any staged confrontation. The idea is to promote their status as a “victim.” It is feared that any obvious valid enforcement by the police will negatively impact the intended lawsuits and public sympathy. Public sympathy is important because it motivates donors.
For the professional victim it is easier to complain about the darkness then to light a candle. They seek the big payday from the man, rather than earn a payday. Earning one requires self-determination, self-discipline, and responsibility. Those characteristics are woefully absent in those preying on the innocent and targeting the men & women in uniform that are there to help their sorry derrieres. Pardon the French.
On a website for one of the anti-police groups named after the late Malcolm X there is a list of radical anti-American endeavors. One such endeavor is a cry for “separate Blacks states within this country,” A “New Afrika- South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and other areas of the ‘Black-Belt South.” They state, “Afrika is the homeland of all Afrikan people, but We have no realistic plan to transport 40 million captive New Afikans back to Afrika.” [quotes are theirs]
The fringe group also includes a list of heroes. Their heroes consist of Black Panthers, the Black Liberation Army (BLA), cop killers, and terrorists. One such hero is Joanne Chesimard aka Assata Shakur, the aunt of dead rapper Tupac Shakur. Chesimard-Shakur was convicted as an accomplice in the 1973 execution style murder of NJ State Trooper Foerster and the wounding of Trooper Harper. She escaped from prison, eluded capture for many years and fled to Cuba, where she was granted political asylum by Fidel Castro. When Chesimard participated in the murder of Trooper Foerster, she was a member of the BLA and was acting in concert with members of the Black Panthers, which she is a former member.
The BLA has also worked with the Weather Underground Organization (WUO), another domestic terrorist group. In 1970 the WUO, led by William Ayers, declared war against the United States Government and engaged in a series of high profile bombings. The Ayers organization and the BLA were also involved in the armed prison escape of Joanne Chesimard, in which officers were taken hostage at gunpoint. In a continuum of violence and crime, the WUO and the BLA were responsible for the infamous 1981 Brinks robbery, where police officers and security personnel were murdered. William Ayers was not convicted for his crimes due to procedural errors during the manhunt. Ayers, however, admitted to his crimes. This admission was not from a sense of repentance but from a sense of regret that he didn’t commit more crimes. Today, William Ayers is a college professor and friends with Barack Obama according to a mutual houseguest, Dr. Quentin Young, a prominent Chicago physician. According to Barack Obama’s own campaign, Ayers and Obama are “certainly friendly.”
Rashid Lynn Jr. aka “Common” is a long time member of Obama’s former church and a huge supporter of convicted cop killer Chesimard-Shakur, even naming his daughter after the BLA member. Common is a Grammy award winning rapper and participated in the Obama music video titled “Yes We Can.” Rashid Lynn has caused controversy by perceived racist comments he made regarding bi-racial unions. He also sparked a feud with “West Side” rappers, such as “Ice Cube.” The rift between these “gangsta” rappers was mediated by the notorious Louis Farrakhan, an Obama supporter and highly honored friend of the same affiliated church.
It is amazing what one can find while examining a snakes nest of radicals, anti-Americans, and domestic terrorists. This pit contains the most subversive and fringe elements of American society, a cesspool where Barack Obama’s name always manages to surface. If you don’t see him sitting among the players, he’s a mere cell phone call away.

hey there. just saw your post as i surfed the net. hey you know my cousin was muredered by Obamas nasty friends the Weathermen Underground and the BLA. He was one William Moroney and his partner Robert Schlacter was wounded and and permanently disabled in the first Brinks robbery in Westchester County in June 1981. I just thought you might like to know about this tidbit in history. He has a wife and 2 kids. This is the people that Obama said were harmless. Obamaa was actually 20 years old when these 2 groups attacked the Brinks Armored cars. I guess you are anti Oabama well so am I keep up the good work brotha.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Rich history you shared with me much appreciated.
America needs to know the subversive ties Obama has.
Spread the word brother! Maybe it will make a difference...sometimes ties tend to choke ;-)
considering all the red tape police hide behind when theyve hurt or killed someone, Tony Vega is being ridiculous in saying how sorry people are who finally have used the same complicated laws to strike back. Maybe these actions wouldnt be necessary if the police got their "sorry derriers" to actually SERVE AND PROTECT
Anonymous, thanks for reading. Your comment, however, is factually wrong. The members of the NYPD are scrutinized more extensively than any other emergency response departments in this country.
In fact, if a corrupt member is discovered in the act or hiding behind your "red tape" they are routinely removed from the department and/or arrested by an aggressive internal affairs bureau.
In addition, it is a ridiculous assertion to claim the cretins are utilizing "the same complicated laws" to strike back, when they are operating outside of the law and often w/out justification or merit.
When a cop breaks the law there is no justification for it and he or she will be held to a higher standard due to the public trust they hold.
Most decent and honest people will and do understand that concept..as well as realizing that an overwhelming majority of cops are not corrupt.
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