James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, NY Post
By Tony Vega
Faux hooker and pimp, Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe, exposed ACORN again. The dirty deed this time occurred in the city that never sleeps; Brooklyn, NY.
I have worked the mean streets of NYC for over 20-years, including a stint in vice (it wasn't called vice then, it was known as the public morals division). My travels have taken me to that seedy side of Nevins Street where ACORN (house of ill repute?) sits. Let me tell ya, prostitutes of Giles quality does not exist.
The illustrious former governor of NY, Elliot Spitzer, paid over five grand for time spent with a comely "escort" that was not of Giles caliber. It is obvious that pure greed is the root of the ACORN tree. Greed and political expediency to that end trumps even their own street savvy.
Is your ideology trumping your good sense? Is the close affiliation to Barack Obama preventing you from seeing why this community organization should not be the recipient of public funds? When is enough, enough?
James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles are emerging as American heroes. They are doing what the "true" investigative journalists are not. They are exposing a corrupt organization that is ripping us off to the tune of millions and potentially billions of dollars.
The MSM does not have the stomach to go after Barack Obama's pet organization, which is another example of ideology trumping ethical standards. If this were a GOP front, the MSM would be all over this; like spit(zer) on a hooker's pillowcase.
ACORN like Van Jones, is it me or does Barack Obama have some cool friends, played the victim role and blamed FOX, Republicans and racism. After the Baltimore sting netted a pair of ACORNs, a top official of that outfit stated they have plans to sue O'Keefe, Giles, and the FOX network. Why FOX? Because they had the audacity to report this mess.
Baltimore City's top prosecutor even issued a threatening statement boasting of possible charges against O'Keefe and Giles. The prosecutor, Patricia Jessamy, is a Barack Obama supporter, surprise, surprise.
In the Brooklyn nuthouse, ACORN officials advised the two criminals appearing before them to squirrel away their ill-gotten proceeds. "When you buy the house with a back yard, you get a tin and bury it down in there, and you put the money right in, and you put grass over it, and you don't tell a single soul but yourself where it is"
The streetwalker and her man posing undercover, that is undercover, not under the covers people, entered the Brooklyn office with the idea of purchasing a house to operate a brothel. The brothel will house underage children to work as prostitutes. ACORN was more than willing to help establish this criminal enterprise.
What is particularly troubling is that ACORN and its friends, i.e. the POTUS and Patricia Jessamy who happens to be president of the Baltimore Child Abuse Center, claim to be for the youth, the community, and the downtrodden. Those groups are hurt the most by this corruption and complicity by the "powers that be." Where is the outrage, folks?
Democratic Representative John Conyers was called off investigating ACORN. Conyers claims, "The powers that be called [him] off." Even Barney Frank reversed his stance to deny ACORN public funds.
Perhaps, the ACORN nuts exposed by O’Keefe and Giles does not bother Barney Frank. After all, the Washington Times reported that Frank’s Capitol Hill apartment was operating a real life prostitution ring, where his gay lover was performing...let’s just say a public service.
Did I ask yet, where is the outrage?
1 comment:
These pieces of dirt...I mean the whole ACORN crew...are in it to SCAM the system. These are Obama's garbage offshoots. Plant them to grow and they do.
Thieves, crooks, gangsters. Garbage.
Sorry to say it like it is, but it is the way I said it.
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