By Tony Vega
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Former U.S. Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean are serving 11 and 12-year prison terms, respectively. This miscarriage of justice resulted from an attempted arrest of a criminal illegal alien smuggling drugs into the U.S.
My intention is not to retry the court case on these pages, but to illuminate the cause and further the grass root efforts endeavoring to right this terrible wrong by securing a presidential pardon.
On February 17, 2005, at approximately 1:15 pm, the agents were attempting to apprehend a criminal illegal alien that smuggled drugs into the U.S. and assaulted agent Compean. The agents fired their weapons in self-defense at the perpetrator, later identified as Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila, striking him once on the left side of his buttocks. The drug smuggler sustained a non-life threatening injury and continued across the Texas border into Mexico evading arrest. His van loaded with 743 pounds of marijuana was secured and recovered on the U.S. side of the border. It was another valiant effort by the agents. (Agent Ramos has taken part in more than 100 drug busts and has never hurt anyone, despite having been assaulted and fired upon many times.)
Next, a series of egregious missteps took place by the agents and supervisors. In what I can only, describe as ineptitude on the behalf of supervision. There are conflicting reports claiming the boss on the scene was not happy about the failure to apprehend the perpetrator and was complicit in not preparing the voluminous paperwork. Due to the misconception that the suspect would not be captured, the arduous task of “paperwork” was a seemingly pointless effort. This miscalculation would serve as one of the weapons Texas U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton would use to place into the backs of justice and steal away the freedom of the two agents. I bet the agents never thought in a million years that their own country would be the perpetrator’s strongest advocate. The administrative incompetence is inexcusable. The penalty for this glaring snafu is 5 days suspension without pay. This should not translate into 11 and 12-years of imprisonment!
Davila was enjoying his freedom in Mexico, albeit not so well due to sub par medical treatment he received while on his home turf. After a series of phone calls emanating from the Mexican side of the border apparently originating from Davila‘s mother, U.S. authorities went into Mexico and encouraged an uncooperative Davila to return. With promises of a visa, free medical, and immunity from all assault and/or drug related charges, Davila happily returned to the land of opportunity. Once in the U.S., as per the agreement, Davila testified against agents Ramos and Compean. The claims that Davila was shot in the back was disproved by the governments own witness- the doctor that removed the bullet fragment from Davila. The government’s medical expert testified, "The smuggler was not shot from behind". "He was in a running position, (bladed position) and pointing back with his left arm and hand when the bullet hit his left side of his left buttock and traveled to his right groin. This scientific evidence supports the agent’s account. The theory that Davila was not armed is also preposterous. Does any reasonable person believe that an established drug smuggler would hold onto his illegally possessed firearm when showing up for an interview with U.S. authorities? Of course he didn’t have a gun on him a month after the fact. Johnny Sutton goes so far to say he believes the drug dealer, because if the drug dealer had a gun he would have displayed it at the original stop by Compean, not during the subsequent mad dash across the border. Huh? All such nonsensical theories and the benefit of the doubt was advanced and granted to the smuggler by the U.S. Attorney’s office. It was also revealed that prior to Davila‘s excellent medical care by the hands of the U.S. Army doctor, Davila arranged another drug shipment into the U.S. Why not take advantage of the free trip and make some side cash courtesy of the U.S.A.?
The agents were convicted of assault with a deadly weapon and for violating the drug smuggler's 4th amendment civil rights. The drug smuggler is suing U.S. taxpayers for 5 million dollars.
Logic, justice, and loyalty were hijacked in Texas. The agents are sitting in prison awaiting the snail pace process of an appeal. They are in need of a presidential pardon now!
Petition President Bush Today!
Please join the hundreds of thousands of concerned Americans and the bipartisan efforts of many congressional members in the campaign to garner a pardon for the agents. Follow the National Petition link below to sign the online petition.
National Petition And Media Campaign To Pardon AgentsRamos And Compean!
Total signers: 381,787
Your Sponsor: Mr. Tony Vega
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

By Tony Vega
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving should remind us of the many things we are thankful for, such as freedom and the men and women past and present that have sacrificed and are continuing to sacrifice for our freedom. Thanks to our troops, I am free to post this.
Among my many blessings, I am grateful that I am American. I say this with pride and no apologies.
I acknowledge the sins of this young country’s beginning, such as slavery and the much earlier decimation of Native Americans. This abomination will forever serve as blight on America’s history. I am thankful that we as a people and nation were able to rise above that. In line with our Judeo-Christian values we are able to face our sins, swear to never repeat such atrocities, and embrace equality and freedom as the basic tenets of our civilization.
Each and every American citizen should be proud of this great nation and stand fast against tyranny, and remain stalwart for freedom and justice.
On December 4, 1619, a group of 38 English settlers arrived at Berkley Hundred in Virginia. The
group's charter required that the day of arrival be observed yearly as a "day of thanksgiving" to God. On that first day, Captain John Woodleaf held the service of thanksgiving. Here is the section of the Charter of Berkeley Hundred, which specifies the thanksgiving service:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving should remind us of the many things we are thankful for, such as freedom and the men and women past and present that have sacrificed and are continuing to sacrifice for our freedom. Thanks to our troops, I am free to post this.
Among my many blessings, I am grateful that I am American. I say this with pride and no apologies.
I acknowledge the sins of this young country’s beginning, such as slavery and the much earlier decimation of Native Americans. This abomination will forever serve as blight on America’s history. I am thankful that we as a people and nation were able to rise above that. In line with our Judeo-Christian values we are able to face our sins, swear to never repeat such atrocities, and embrace equality and freedom as the basic tenets of our civilization.
Each and every American citizen should be proud of this great nation and stand fast against tyranny, and remain stalwart for freedom and justice.
On December 4, 1619, a group of 38 English settlers arrived at Berkley Hundred in Virginia. The

"Wee ordaine that the day of our ships arrival at the place assigned for plantacon in the land of Virginia shall be yearly and perpetually keept holy as a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God."-source: wikipedia.
In the spirit of the first Thanksgiving, I would proclaim to be forever thankful to God, for family and country.
May you and yours have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
In the spirit of the first Thanksgiving, I would proclaim to be forever thankful to God, for family and country.
May you and yours have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Amy Bruce: Make-A-Wish Foundation
By Tony Vega for
Monday, November 19, 2007
Recently, I've received a chain letter via email describing the plight of a 7-year-old girl with cancer named Amy Bruce. The letter goes on to claim if forwarded the Make-A-Wish Foundation will donate 7 cents every time the message is sent on. The heart wrenching claim is that the young girl is suffering from lung cancer derived from second hand smoke and a brain tumor from repeated beatings. One variation of this is included:
Hi, my name is Amy Bruce. I am 7 years old, and I have a large tumor on my brain and severe lung cancer. The doctors say I will die soon if this isn't fixed, and my family can't pay the bills. "The Make A Wish Foundation" has agreed to donate 7 cents for every time this message is sent on. For those of you who send this along, I thank you so much. But for those who don't send it, I will still pray for you. Please,i f you are a kind person, have a heart. Please, please,
Amy Bruce
This is a Hoax, clear and simple. First, there has to be software established in order to track the millions of emails forwarded and received in order for the Foundation to send Amy money. Secondly, the Make-A-Wish Foundation doesn't operate in that manner. The Make-A-Wish Foundation Does Not Participate In Chain Letter Or Other Direct Solicitation Wishes.
A quick check with revealed that a variation of the Amy Bruce email has been circulating around the net since 1999, which would make "Amy" 15 years-old today.
The pranksters exploit the well intentioned nature of decent people in order to further their hoax, and nothing strums the heart strings like a young child with cancer.
Unfortunately, this serves as a distraction of the fantastic work done by the Foundation and the need for assistance for actual sick children. However, we can turn this into a positive by recognizing the Make-A-Wish Foundation and learning about the true mission of this wonderful Foundation. The Mission: "[To] grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions [and] to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy."
The Foundation is not in the practice of procuring donations via chain letters for medical assistance.
The Beginning: Since 1980, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has enriched the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions through its wish-granting work. The Foundation's mission reflects the life-changing impact that a Make-A-Wish experience has on children, families, referral sources, donors, sponsors and entire communities. The Make-A-Wish Foundation was founded in 1980 after a little 7-year-old boy named Chris Greicius realized his heartfelt wish to become a police officer. Since its humble beginnings, the organization has blossomed into a worldwide phenomenon, reaching more than 144,000 children around the world.
So, what to do when you receive a hoax email? Don't forward it and perpetuate the hoax, delete it. Better yet:
Refer the sender and all recipients to this page.
Refer senders to ways they can help the Foundation
To learn more about the Foundation, Chris' story, and many others visit the Make-A-Wish Foundation web site, and maybe you can join me and help make a wish come true.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Recently, I've received a chain letter via email describing the plight of a 7-year-old girl with cancer named Amy Bruce. The letter goes on to claim if forwarded the Make-A-Wish Foundation will donate 7 cents every time the message is sent on. The heart wrenching claim is that the young girl is suffering from lung cancer derived from second hand smoke and a brain tumor from repeated beatings. One variation of this is included:
Hi, my name is Amy Bruce. I am 7 years old, and I have a large tumor on my brain and severe lung cancer. The doctors say I will die soon if this isn't fixed, and my family can't pay the bills. "The Make A Wish Foundation" has agreed to donate 7 cents for every time this message is sent on. For those of you who send this along, I thank you so much. But for those who don't send it, I will still pray for you. Please,i f you are a kind person, have a heart. Please, please,
Amy Bruce
This is a Hoax, clear and simple. First, there has to be software established in order to track the millions of emails forwarded and received in order for the Foundation to send Amy money. Secondly, the Make-A-Wish Foundation doesn't operate in that manner. The Make-A-Wish Foundation Does Not Participate In Chain Letter Or Other Direct Solicitation Wishes.
A quick check with revealed that a variation of the Amy Bruce email has been circulating around the net since 1999, which would make "Amy" 15 years-old today.
The pranksters exploit the well intentioned nature of decent people in order to further their hoax, and nothing strums the heart strings like a young child with cancer.
Unfortunately, this serves as a distraction of the fantastic work done by the Foundation and the need for assistance for actual sick children. However, we can turn this into a positive by recognizing the Make-A-Wish Foundation and learning about the true mission of this wonderful Foundation. The Mission: "[To] grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions [and] to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy."
The Foundation is not in the practice of procuring donations via chain letters for medical assistance.

So, what to do when you receive a hoax email? Don't forward it and perpetuate the hoax, delete it. Better yet:
Refer the sender and all recipients to this page.
Refer senders to ways they can help the Foundation
To learn more about the Foundation, Chris' story, and many others visit the Make-A-Wish Foundation web site, and maybe you can join me and help make a wish come true.
Keep the Hutto Detention Center Open!

By Tony Vega for
Friday, November 09, 2007
A family that illegally crosses the border together stays together. America has only two detention centers to house families that illegally enter the country. One facility is the Berk Facility in Pennsylvania and the second one is the T. Don Hutto Family Residential Facility opened in May 2006 in Taylor, Texas. We must make sure these facilities remain open, while we lobby for the creation of more centers to keep families together and safe from smugglers that exploit these vulnerable and desperate families. While we endeavor to find locations for additional centers, we must make sure it does not burden an American neighborhood already stressed by existing illegal immigrants. American interests and American families should be first and foremost. Let us not pile onto families that send their children to schools or hospitals that are overcrowded, resulting in less than premium care that American children deserve.
A family recently moved next door to me. They relocated from my “old” neighborhood, it was nice to catch up and reminisce with them. I recall the local elementary school in the old neighborhood being a decent one-not the best, but adequate. Most of the staff and students spoke fluent English and enjoyed large outdoor rec. areas. Now back to the future some 15 years later that school is now overcrowded, English is the foreign language, and the outside play areas are being encroached. My newly acquired neighbors relocated approximately 7 miles south from that area into a community that is very diverse and progressive. The difference between the more diverse “new” neighborhood and the “old” one is that it’s representative of American values. A majority of the families legally arrived from varying countries such as Afghanistan, China, India, Israel, the Philippines, and others. The families complemented and assimilated into a functioning American system. This success story is not fiction; it is an example of a process that values laws and diversity, enabling the pursuit of freedom to be achieved. This system fails when our laws are subverted and the violators are coddled and unchallenged. When immigrants break the law to enter the country, they are beginning their new lives on the wrong foot. If captured, they are introduced to a chaotic bureaucracy such as detention facilities, immigration hearings, not to mention the angst over possible deportation.
A quick check of the numbers reported by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reveal that approximately 400 million people enter the U.S. through legal checkpoints each year. The GAO found that officers turned away over 200,000 people attempting to enter via some of the 326 legal air, sea, and land entry points during the 2006 fiscal year. There is an unverifiable estimate that approximately 21,000 illegal immigrants slipped through these border-crossing points between October 2005 and September 2006. This estimate does not explore the number of illegal entries via non-conventional points. The numbers are staggering. The Hutto center is a 512 bed facility, a drop in the bucket for the tidal wave of illegal entries.
America’s former immigrant enforcement “catch and release” policy was rife with problems. Pursuant to that policy adult members of detained migrant families were sent to separate facilities than their children, often in lieu of this, the alien families would be released and issued a Notice to Appear. What do you think happened? If you believe these law abiding folks appeared as per their return date then you’re not paying attention. This catch and release policy was very attractive to smugglers and they exploited it. Smugglers would bring unrelated children across the border with smuggled adult strangers fabricating family units. This aided the smugglers in avoiding detention if captured. There have been noted instances where these fabricated families would “volunteer” to be caught in order to expedite their release into the American populace. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) came under congressional criticism for this inept policy. The Hutto facility was established to help in the new “catch and hold” policy, which will aid officials in keeping families together pursuant to a new congressional mandate. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will manage the facility
The Hutto facility, not yet the Hilton, appears to be a reasonable alternative and a well- needed addition to the Berk facility. It appears the emergence from the traditional policy of catch and release to the new “catch and hold” policy raised the ire of the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children.

(Image on the left is of the photo intake area)
In February 2007, the Women’s Commission toured the facility and reported the
results on their website. On the front page of the site is an image of a note “slipped” to them by a young detainee, reading “ Help us, and ask us questions” The picture is overlapping another black and white image of a playground within a large fenced in area. The fence is equipped with barbed wire. A subsequent interview of Gary Meade the Assistant Director of ICE by Dallas channel 8 news revealed the director saying Hutto is a work in progress and there are plans to remove the wire. The barbed wire was removed at a later date.
The anti-Hutto site,, hosts a series of benign videos attempting to publicize the plight. The first video aptly titled “Children Detained” displays a text graphic declaring some of the children along with their families were “confined” for a little over 3 months. Listen, children should not be held responsible for the violations perpetrated by their parents, but unfortunately, it’s an unpleasant fact that when adult caretakers accompanied by their minor charges are apprehended the children are stuck in the middle. It should always be of paramount concern and order that local or federal officials make sure the children are placed in a safe and secure environment pending appropriate custodial placement. The children in these anti-Hutto videos all appear healthy and housed in a clean, safe, well lit establishment, and best of all in the company of their parents, the same parents that put them in this predicament. How magnanimous of U.S. officials. The worst atrocity described was “having a small window where we could see the sky, but can’t enjoy it” These are the poster families of the gulag?
The second video features a Palestinian family interviewed by CBS, not FOX, after immigration officials allowed the film crew in following the complaints of another Palestinian family held at Hutto for 3 months. As the camera is rolling, the reporter is
walking the viewers through the facility and reports “it looks more like a day care center, not a detention center, but another Palestinian family has a different story.” The interview followed with Nazmieh Juma and her 11-year-old son Mohammed. They were held for 3 months and she wonders aloud what she did wrong. How about entering the country illegally? The video report continued and audibly and visually established that there was no abuse, but the family complained the facility was more like a prison instead of the family friendly center depicted by ICE.
The third video shows more of the same, including the same pregnant woman and her two small daughters in the first video that complained about “not being able to enjoy the sky.” Thank goodness, those small girls did not fall prey to the smugglers.
The fourth video shows a family from Iran, previously deported from Canada. The family was sneaking back into the Canada via Guyana with phony passports. They came to the attention of U.S. authorities after the plane they were on made an unscheduled landing. Kudos to ICE, it shows they’re on the job. Remember many of the 9/11 hijackers entered the U.S. with phony passports. This Iranian family was discovered and detained at the Hutto facility along with their 9 yr old son Kevin Yourdkhani.
While at Hutto, Kevin wrote a letter, in crayon, to the Canadian prime minister (PM) asking for help. Kevin was born in Canada in 1997 after his parents went there seeking refugee status, the family was eventually denied and deported back to Iran. It is reported that while in Iran they were imprisoned (an actual prison) and tortured, after an unexplained release the family attempted to illegally return to Canada. The PM received Kevin’s letter and responded with temporary Canadian residency permits for the family. After a few weeks in Hutto, the Yourdkhani’s were provided air transport to Canada. During a subsequent interview in which you can hear the prompting from the background, Kevin complained, not about his family’s ordeal in Iran, but the lack of education he was granted during the few weeks at Hutto, sick children, and the food.
The last and fifth video shows a group of protestors shouting about children being educated behind barbed wire. That’s right “educated.” Wow, the great Satan America. I can show you some American schools with locked doors, no AC, no gym, no library, metal detectors, and armed public servants. Many of the parents are thankful for the opportunity their children are getting to elevate themselves from their current station.
A look at the various websites, including the ACLU site, wishing Hutto closed reveals more of the same. The ACLU site boasts of the landmark settlement with immigration officials in August 2007. The first bullet point reveals that 13-year-old children, at the behest of the ACLU, are allowed to move free abut the facility. Would you want 13-year- old boys and girls moving freely about a “prison”?
After scouring the anti-Hutto sites, one will not find any dark or foreboding images, or any detainees wearing “prison garb.”
A check of the fact sheet for Hotel Hutto at reveals the following amenities:
A medical area, which includes a mental health staff
A chaplain
Adult classes in parenting, ESL, vocational, and more
Unlocked doors (very “prison” like)
Central air conditioning throughout entire 7,500 sq. ft. facility
A general library containing over 2000 books
A law library
Three outdoor shaded pavilions and play areas
A gym, baseball, basketball, hand ball, ping pong, and soccer
There are many more amenities, in place prior to the “landmark” decision. What, no football-how dare them!?

The anti-Hutto site,, hosts a series of benign videos attempting to publicize the plight. The first video aptly titled “Children Detained” displays a text graphic declaring some of the children along with their families were “confined” for a little over 3 months. Listen, children should not be held responsible for the violations perpetrated by their parents, but unfortunately, it’s an unpleasant fact that when adult caretakers accompanied by their minor charges are apprehended the children are stuck in the middle. It should always be of paramount concern and order that local or federal officials make sure the children are placed in a safe and secure environment pending appropriate custodial placement. The children in these anti-Hutto videos all appear healthy and housed in a clean, safe, well lit establishment, and best of all in the company of their parents, the same parents that put them in this predicament. How magnanimous of U.S. officials. The worst atrocity described was “having a small window where we could see the sky, but can’t enjoy it” These are the poster families of the gulag?
The second video features a Palestinian family interviewed by CBS, not FOX, after immigration officials allowed the film crew in following the complaints of another Palestinian family held at Hutto for 3 months. As the camera is rolling, the reporter is

The third video shows more of the same, including the same pregnant woman and her two small daughters in the first video that complained about “not being able to enjoy the sky.” Thank goodness, those small girls did not fall prey to the smugglers.
The fourth video shows a family from Iran, previously deported from Canada. The family was sneaking back into the Canada via Guyana with phony passports. They came to the attention of U.S. authorities after the plane they were on made an unscheduled landing. Kudos to ICE, it shows they’re on the job. Remember many of the 9/11 hijackers entered the U.S. with phony passports. This Iranian family was discovered and detained at the Hutto facility along with their 9 yr old son Kevin Yourdkhani.

The last and fifth video shows a group of protestors shouting about children being educated behind barbed wire. That’s right “educated.” Wow, the great Satan America. I can show you some American schools with locked doors, no AC, no gym, no library, metal detectors, and armed public servants. Many of the parents are thankful for the opportunity their children are getting to elevate themselves from their current station.
A look at the various websites, including the ACLU site, wishing Hutto closed reveals more of the same. The ACLU site boasts of the landmark settlement with immigration officials in August 2007. The first bullet point reveals that 13-year-old children, at the behest of the ACLU, are allowed to move free abut the facility. Would you want 13-year- old boys and girls moving freely about a “prison”?
After scouring the anti-Hutto sites, one will not find any dark or foreboding images, or any detainees wearing “prison garb.”
A check of the fact sheet for Hotel Hutto at reveals the following amenities:
A medical area, which includes a mental health staff
A chaplain
Adult classes in parenting, ESL, vocational, and more
Unlocked doors (very “prison” like)
Central air conditioning throughout entire 7,500 sq. ft. facility
A general library containing over 2000 books
A law library
Three outdoor shaded pavilions and play areas
A gym, baseball, basketball, hand ball, ping pong, and soccer
There are many more amenities, in place prior to the “landmark” decision. What, no football-how dare them!?
Please allow me to digress a moment. Take a walk with me back to my neighborhood. This community is a functioning mosaic that would make any legitimate civil liberties activist proud. Unfortunately, racial arsonists and perverse secular progressives have hijacked mainstream organizations such as the NAACP and the Anti-American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The ACLU goes so far to champion causes of the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), they are also an active force behind a Main school board dispensing birth control pills to 11-year-old-girls. When groups such as the ACLU are litigating to shutdown family facilities, in the interest of children, one should be very suspicious.
It appears the cry to shut down Hutto is an ideological one, rather than a pragmatic solution to a complex issue.
There is an active 20-year-old court order preventing the deportation of migrants from El Salvador. DHS is unable to expeditiously remove people from El Salvador due to an order created when there was a civil war 20 years ago. Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff has acknowledged that the civil war is over and the restrictions have long since disappeared. Secretary Chertoff is appealing to Congress for relief. This common sense approach will help alleviate some of the burden. You see, this is where the blind ideologues get in the way- it wouldn’t be in furtherance of the true agenda. That agenda is to allow the tide of illegal immigration to continue to flow unimpeded. This unfettered chaos will promote anarchy and expedite the devaluation of America. If you think the ACLU or these other anti-Hutto outfits are looking out for the children, think again. If they were, Kevin Yourdkhani would have been prompted not to complain about Hutto, but to talk about his ordeal in Iran. One of the basic protections for a refugee seeking asylum, is not to be returned to a State where they would be persecuted. Complaining about the education curriculum at Hutto after a brief layover does not help the Yourdkhanis.
Another practical view into this issue would reveal the need for additional facilities, in order to keep the migrant families together and safe, safe from the unscrupulous smugglers. Lastly, it shows the outstanding performance by ICE and the tremendous task our government faces to keep America secure.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Jeff Dunham Presents: Achmed the Dead Terrorist
For the laugh track. Enjoy this 10 minute clip. Jeff Dunham Presents Achmed the Dead Terrorist.......
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Pirate Coast: Book Review

By Tony Vega for
Thursday, November 14, 2007
The Pirate Coast is a very interesting historical account of how a handful of Marines along with General William Eaton embarked on America's first overseas covert op. They trekked across the brutal and unforgiving Sahara desert in an endeavor to free American soldiers that were captured and enslaved by Barbary pirates (Moslems). It's an interesting chronicle of how Moslems enslaved Christians, Americans & Europeans dating as far back as the 1700's.
In the opening chapter, Zacks detailed how Barbary pirates swept up more than 1,000 Italian villagers and sold them into slavery. The highest price was for a 12-year-old girl.
Click here for complete review and author's website for more photos:
to the shores of Tripoli
Monday, November 12, 2007
Veterans Day 2007

By Tony Vega for
Sunday 11 November 2007
Sunday 11 November 2007
In 1921, an unknown World War I American soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. This site, on a hillside overlooking the Potomac River and the city of Washington, D.C., became the focal point of reverence for America’s veterans.
Similar ceremonies occurred earlier in England and France, where an unknown soldier was buried in each nation’s highest place of honor (in England, Westminster Abbey; in France, the Arc de Triomphe). These memorial gestures all took place on November 11, giving universal recognition to the celebrated ending of World War I fighting at 11 a.m., November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month). The day became known as “Armistice Day.”
Armistice Day officially received its name in America in 1926 through a Congressional resolution. It became a national holiday 12 years later by similar Congressional action. If the idealistic hope had been realized that World War I was “the War to end all wars,” November 11 might still be called Armistice Day. But only a few years after the holiday was proclaimed, war broke out in Europe. Sixteen and one-half million Americans took part. Four hundred seven thousand of them died in service, more than 292,000 in battle.
Armistice Day officially received its name in America in 1926 through a Congressional resolution. It became a national holiday 12 years later by similar Congressional action. If the idealistic hope had been realized that World War I was “the War to end all wars,” November 11 might still be called Armistice Day. But only a few years after the holiday was proclaimed, war broke out in Europe. Sixteen and one-half million Americans took part. Four hundred seven thousand of them died in service, more than 292,000 in battle.
The first celebration using the term Veterans Day occurred in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1947. Raymond Weeks, a World War II veteran, organized "National Veterans Day," which included a parade and other festivities, to honor all veterans. The event was held on November 11, then designated Armistice Day. Later, U.S. Representative Edward Rees of Kansas proposed a bill that would change Armistice Day to Veterans Day. In 1954, Congress passed the bill that President Eisenhower signed proclaiming November 11 as Veterans Day. Raymond Weeks received the Presidential Citizens Medal from President Reagan in November 1982. Weeks' local parade and ceremonies are now an annual event celebrated nationwide. -source VA
Present day 2007, our military are engaged in an unprecedented military action across the globe in a war against terror. As in most conflicts past or present, Americans express their views pro or con in a variety of ways. You may do so in a boisterous, mild, or indifferent manner, just remember it is our veterans that are valiantly protecting your right to do just that.
Perhaps on Veterans Day, we can cease the rhetoric long enough to take pause and honor the men and women in uniform that are serving and have served, not only those that died- but the living soldiers as well. That’s what Veterans Day is about, to thank our veterans, to show our gratitude without prejudice for their honorable service in keeping America free.
If you’re reading this thank a teacher, if you’re reading this in English thank a soldier.
If you’re reading this thank a teacher, if you’re reading this in English thank a soldier.

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Happy Birthday to the United States Marines

By Tony Vega for
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Today is the 232nd birthday of the United States Marines. Formal commemoration of the birthday of the Marine Corps began on 10 November 1921. That particular date was chosen because on that day the Second Continental Congressional resolved in 1775 to raise two continental battallions of Marines. On 01 November 1921, General Lejune, 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps, issued Marine Corps Order NO. 47, series 1921. The order summarized the history, mission, and tradition of the Corps, and directed that it be read to every command on 10 November each subsequent year in honor of the birthday of the Marine Corps. This order has been duly carried out. - source U.S. Marines
The Marines’ Hymn is the oldest official song in the United States Armed Forces, and probably the most recognized the world ‘round. The third verse is also used as a toast during events important to the Corps such as the Marine Corps birthday. Note the line "Here's health to you and to our Corps.” Traditionally the hymn is sung while at attention as a gesture of respect. The lyrics are included for your enjoyment. So maggots stand at ATTENTION and sound off !
Marines’ Hymn
From the halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli,
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land, and sea.
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean,
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marines.
Our flag's unfurl'd to every breeze
From the dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in every clime and place
Where we could take a gun.
In the snow of far-off northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes,
You will find us always on the job
The United States Marines.
Here's health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve;
In many a strife we've fought for life
And have never lost our nerve.
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes,
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.
Semper Fi!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Right vs Wrong
-author unknown
A woman in a hot air balloon realizes she is lost. She lowers her altitude and spots a man fishing from a boat below.
She shouts to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man consults his portable GPS and replies, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.”
She rolls her eyes and says, "You must be a Republican!"
"I am," replies the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," answers the balloonist, "everything you tell me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you're not much help to me."
The man smiles and responds, "You must be a Democrat."
"I am," replies the balloonist. "How did you know?"
"Well," says the man, "You don't know where you are or where you're going. You've risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and now you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were before we met, but, somehow, now it's my fault."
A woman in a hot air balloon realizes she is lost. She lowers her altitude and spots a man fishing from a boat below.
She shouts to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man consults his portable GPS and replies, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.”
She rolls her eyes and says, "You must be a Republican!"
"I am," replies the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," answers the balloonist, "everything you tell me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you're not much help to me."
The man smiles and responds, "You must be a Democrat."
"I am," replies the balloonist. "How did you know?"
"Well," says the man, "You don't know where you are or where you're going. You've risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and now you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were before we met, but, somehow, now it's my fault."
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Hillary's Slip Shows
By Tony Vega for
Sunday, November 04, 2007
The latest Democratic Debate took place on October, 30, 2007 at Drexel U., Philadelphia. This was so close to Halloween, I was going to offer some common comparisons to witches, ghouls, but I decided against that because there is nothing scarier than a Liberal from New York.
A peek under Shrillary's mask did not reveal a pretty sight. Ladies, and gentlemen you're gonna need a lot of syrup for this waffle. The illustrious Senator from NY was quoted, while in New Hampshire, as claiming Eliot Spitzer’s absurd plan to allow illegal immigrants to have a driver’s license as “making sense.” Fast forward to Philadelphia’s Drexel University where Tim Russert one of the debate’s moderators asked her “why does it make sense”? Let the waffling begin. Hillary Clinton blamed the Bush Administration for the reason Spitzer drafted this plan, explaining he is “trying to fill the vacuum left by the failure of this administration.” Huh? Is it possible for the Democrats to sincerely answer a question? It appears that whenever the going gets tough the Liberals cop out with the all too familiar lament of “it’s President Bush’s fault.” Enough already. Answer a question on the merits, take a stand, you are endeavoring to be the leader of the free world, show some courage, and stop trying to play it safe by hovering the politically safe middle ground. You know, the only thing in the middle of the road is yellow stripes and dead animals.
She refers to illegal immigrants as “undocumented workers.” Well Hillary, what do you call an “undocumented worker” that doesn’t work? Man, the elite left are so out of touch. That’s how she got into hot water in the first place; Slowly coming to the realization that most New Yorkers, including the Democrats in her own party, aren’t in favor of the NY Governor’s plan to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, whether they “work” or not. Tim Russert addressed the entire panel of seven Democrats and asked, “Does anyone here believe that illegal immigrants should not have a driver’s license”? Chris Dodd from Connecticut immediately raised his hand. I believe there was one stall tactic where a Dem. partially repeated the question, feigning misunderstanding. Obama and Richardson glanced over at Dodd and with a weak wrist gesture joined him by raising their own hand. Chris Dodd made a sensible comment, reminding the panelists and viewers that having a driver’s license is a privilege not a right, and without equivocation he made his position clear that he is not in favor if Spitzer’s plan. Hillary, obviously rattled, attempted to save herself after Dodd’s remarks. She pretty much sputtered and claimed her comments didn’t mean she was for the plan, and then she was for the plan, the plan made sense, and just in case there were a few viewers that did not catch her earlier finger pointing, she blamed George Bush again. Right, I was confused typing that. Hillary, here’s some advise from this American blogger: A closed mouth gathers no foot.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
The latest Democratic Debate took place on October, 30, 2007 at Drexel U., Philadelphia. This was so close to Halloween, I was going to offer some common comparisons to witches, ghouls, but I decided against that because there is nothing scarier than a Liberal from New York.

She refers to illegal immigrants as “undocumented workers.” Well Hillary, what do you call an “undocumented worker” that doesn’t work? Man, the elite left are so out of touch. That’s how she got into hot water in the first place; Slowly coming to the realization that most New Yorkers, including the Democrats in her own party, aren’t in favor of the NY Governor’s plan to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, whether they “work” or not. Tim Russert addressed the entire panel of seven Democrats and asked, “Does anyone here believe that illegal immigrants should not have a driver’s license”? Chris Dodd from Connecticut immediately raised his hand. I believe there was one stall tactic where a Dem. partially repeated the question, feigning misunderstanding. Obama and Richardson glanced over at Dodd and with a weak wrist gesture joined him by raising their own hand. Chris Dodd made a sensible comment, reminding the panelists and viewers that having a driver’s license is a privilege not a right, and without equivocation he made his position clear that he is not in favor if Spitzer’s plan. Hillary, obviously rattled, attempted to save herself after Dodd’s remarks. She pretty much sputtered and claimed her comments didn’t mean she was for the plan, and then she was for the plan, the plan made sense, and just in case there were a few viewers that did not catch her earlier finger pointing, she blamed George Bush again. Right, I was confused typing that. Hillary, here’s some advise from this American blogger: A closed mouth gathers no foot.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Bloomberg Dishonors 9/11 Hero
By Tony Vega for
Thursday, November 01, 2007
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg decidedly cherry picked medical findings and declared that James Zadroga, a retired NYC police detective, is not a hero. Detective Zadroga responded to Ground Zero after the Twin Towers collapsed because of terror attacks on September 11, 2001. James Zadroga’s story is unique amongst the rest of America’s citizens, in which so many respond in the opposite direction of terror. James Zadroga, with selfless courage, responded to the scene and honorably engaged in rescue/recovery work in a toxic cloud for nearly 500 hours.
Detective Zadroga was not trapped in the buildings on that fateful day, he was not killed because of falling debris, or any other means that claimed the lives of too many of our citizens, fire fighters, and police officers. He was killed, nonetheless, by the murderous acts committed by terrorists on 9/11. Detective Zadroga finished his tours of duty at Ground Zero, and after spending hundreds of hours inhaling toxic dust from the air surrounding the site he became very ill. Detective Zadroga retired with a disability pension due to his impairment contracted in the performance of duty, so ruled a medical board. James lived the remaining years of his life in New Jersey with his loving parents, succumbing to the deadly respiratory ailment in January 2006. According to New Jersey’s medical examiner Dr. Breton, James Zadroga died from inhaling toxic dust from Ground Zero. The Zadroga family wanted to add James’ name to the official list of 9/11 victims, so they contacted the New York City medical examiner’s office to review the case.
Can a large American bureaucracy and a host of reputable medical doctors all be wrong? Yes, it‘s possible. If Dr. Hirsch’ sole conclusion emerges as the accurate one, it doesn’t matter in the regard of detective Zadroga‘s character. The medical wrangling are mere semantics. You see there is incontrovertible proof that detective Zadroga served NYC well, risking his life for the citizenry. Detective Zadroga made the ultimate sacrifice, and it was this that mattered, it was how the man lived his life, not how he perished, that made him a hero.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
James Zadroga and daughter Tylerann
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg decidedly cherry picked medical findings and declared that James Zadroga, a retired NYC police detective, is not a hero. Detective Zadroga responded to Ground Zero after the Twin Towers collapsed because of terror attacks on September 11, 2001. James Zadroga’s story is unique amongst the rest of America’s citizens, in which so many respond in the opposite direction of terror. James Zadroga, with selfless courage, responded to the scene and honorably engaged in rescue/recovery work in a toxic cloud for nearly 500 hours.

New York City’s chief medical examiner, Dr. Charles Hirsch, concluded that the lung disease that detective Zadroga had was a result of injecting prescription drugs. The family sought a third opinion from Dr. Michael Baden the New York State Police chief forensic pathologist. Dr. Baden agreed with the original finding of New Jersey’s medical examiner and reported that James Zadroga’s lung disease was a result of inhaling poisons from Ground Zero. Dr. Baden further reports that James suffered from a “black lung” ailment caused by inhaling particulate matter “You can’t get that from injecting drugs.” He also detected the presence of glass fibers via an examination of microscope slides. Dr. Baden further stated, “You can’t make a basis of intravenous injections of ground down pills based on these slides.” Also noted was the absence of needle marks and scarring associated with intravenous drug use. Numerous doctors that treated detective Zadroga concluded his illness was a direct result of inhaling toxic fumes from the site. The United States Social Security Administration also agreed and declared that James Zadroga was disabled.
Can a large American bureaucracy and a host of reputable medical doctors all be wrong? Yes, it‘s possible. If Dr. Hirsch’ sole conclusion emerges as the accurate one, it doesn’t matter in the regard of detective Zadroga‘s character. The medical wrangling are mere semantics. You see there is incontrovertible proof that detective Zadroga served NYC well, risking his life for the citizenry. Detective Zadroga made the ultimate sacrifice, and it was this that mattered, it was how the man lived his life, not how he perished, that made him a hero.
Perhaps it matters to Mayor Bloomberg because of pending litigation. There have been discussions regarding a pending settlement with thousands of sick Ground Zero workers. The Mayor’s medical examiners denial of the 9/11 link will prevent certain inclusions the Zadroga family may have in regard to a 9/11 victim status. The Mayor states, “Science decided” that detective Zadroga is not a hero. No Mayor, YOU decided that. Science, morality, and anyone without an economic agenda have determined that detective Zadroga was a hero. Rep. Caroline Maloney (D- Manhattan, Queens) referring to Dr. Hirsch’s report stated, “Nothing in his report changes the fact that Detective Zadroga would be alive today if not for his heroic service at Ground Zero.”
On September 11, 2001, a group of Islamic terrorists attacked our nation and killed thousands of people in this city. That death toll is still rising as individuals, such as Detective Zadroga, fall to an insidious weapon released during the aftermath of those attacks- the poisonous dust cloud that shrouded the area and permeated into the lungs of so many American heroes. The deaths of these subsequent victims are on the hands of those soulless terrorists. For New York’s Mayor to deny that the results of their actions were not the cause of Detective Zadroga’s death is unconscionable to say the least. All for what Mr. Mayor, to save a few bucks? How dare you? You sir, may have aided and abetted the enemy in this homicide by your deniability, but you will not and cannot tarnish the legacy of Detective Zadroga.
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